Surya Limited

the natural power of light into your home!

  • Increases performance

  • Promotes concentration

  • Activates your immune system

  • Relaxes the muscles

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  • Activates cell metabolism

  • Stabilizes the immune system

  • Increases your well-being

  • Promotes inner peace

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SURYA brings the natural power of light into your home!

Sunlight is essential for a healthy body and mind. In our modern everyday life, however, we rarely have the opportunity to enjoy natural light to the necessary extent.

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Intuitive operation for all-round safe use

Using an intuitive control panel in the base, the active power can be set in a completely safe range between 200W and 400W. Depending on this, you can enjoy the warmth of the Surya at a distance of 0.5m to 5m.

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Highly efficient functional ceramics in a unique design

The heart of the Surya are the eight emitters made of special functional ceramics.
The total of four radiators, each with two emitters, emit different complementary infrared and generate light in exactly the spectral range of natural sunlight, which is important for us.

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customer testimonials

What our customers say

  • H. Kühnle

    For several months now I have the Surya infrared lamp in use. I am completely thrilled! Not only my back pain has improved significantly, but also my immune system has become much more stable. I am less sick and especially now in the winter time the infrared light of the Surya is very beneficial, stress relieving and relaxing. I can only recommend the Surya to all who want to live healthy and stay healthy.

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  • Martina, 58

    Ich bin Ende 50 und arbeite im Homeoffice am Computer. Mittags werde ich müde, und meine Konzentration lässt nach. Deshalb mache ich nach dem Mittagessen 20 bis 30 min Mediationspause vor der Surya. Danach fühle ich mich entspannt und kann mich wieder konzentriert meinen Aufgaben widmen. Die ersten Tage habe ich Surya auf „gelb“ mit halber Leistung eingestellt, jetzt genieße ich mit „rot“ die volle Power und spüre, wie gut sich meine Kräfte regenerieren. Ich kann Surya nur allen empfehlen, die schon etwas älter sind, aber trotzdem noch einige Jahre arbeiten möchten

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